The Front Range Passenger Rail project conducts surveys to provide a pulse of the public’s awareness of the project effort and to understand high level passenger rail travel interests. In 2019, an online survey was conducted from July 22 to September 30 with 6,965 participants. A public opinion survey was conducted from October 4 to October 8 in 2019 with a statistically significant sample of 600 likely voters in the 2020 election across the 13 Front Range counties.
A public opinion survey was conducted October 4-8, 2019 with a statistically significant sample of 600.
Support for passenger rail service as a mode of transportation for residents and communities along the Front Range
Support for a Front Range Passenger Rail service project that would have regularly scheduled train service to major population centers from Fort Collins to Pueblo
Support a sales tax increase to fund a passenger rail service project estimated at $5 billion
Support a sales tax increase to fund a passenger rail service project estimated at $15 billion
An online survey was conducted from July 22 – September 30, 2019, with 6,965 participants.
Believe that passenger rail service could help address transportation needs along the Front Range
Support in establishing passenger rail between at least Fort Collins and Pueblo
Would be interested in using the service if it were available
Note: Support includes both strongly and somewhat.
If a passenger rail service were available along the Front Range, would you be interested in using the service?

(If yes) If a passenger rail service existed along the Front Range, for which reasons would you consider using it?
Number of times checked

Ranking Benefits: Priorities by both popularity and average rank
*Note that the highest rank is 1, so small rankings and averages are better than high ones.

Metroquest survey data can be viewed here: Front Range Passenger Rail Survey: 2019 Final Results Report.
Magellan Strategies and RBI Strategies survey data can be viewed here: Colorado Passenger Rail Opinion Survey Initial Findings.